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Imaging for All with Nanox

With Nanox, we're working towards bringing their revolutionary Connect Service to the forefront of healthcare in Africa. Nanox's offering- portable 2D X-ray devices with a slew of advanced features like cloud storage, AI-driven analysis, a pay-as-you-go system, and tele-radiology services - is particularly poised to make waves in rural areas, democratizing access to imaging.

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Diagnostic Challenges in Remote Regions

In many remote corners of Africa, traditional imaging remains a luxury, often out of reach. This lack of access compounds the challenge of timely and effective diagnoses, placing undue strain on the few referral facilities equipped with imaging machinery. The broader issue? The prohibitive costs of state-of-the-art equipment, which creates a chasm in last-mile healthcare delivery.


Bridging the Healthcare Gap

With Nanox's innovative service-centric business model as the linchpin, we've taken up the mantle of spearheading their business development across several African nations. Our role? To harmoniously align the often tight budget constraints of health facilities with Nanox's sustainable commercial aspirations. This involves proactive engagements with healthcare providers, key governmental entities, and regulatory bodies, all aimed at expanding the footprint of Nanox's portable, cost-effective imaging solutions.

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